Frequently Questions

Below are frequently asked questions, you may find the answer for yourself

Do the glue traps need bait to work?

No, bait it is not necessary for the glue trap work, as long as the trap is placed in known pathways of the pest.

Does temperature influence the quality of the glue products?

Yes, the temperature can influence the quality of the glue. If it is very warm the glue can become fluid and can start to run. With very cold temperatures the glue can become harder than desired and stick less well.

How can I remove glue product stains from clothing?

It is possible to use oils like olive and flower oil or acetone. If the clothing is made from fragile fabric it is advisable to immediately wash them in the washing machine or by hand. If your clothes are the fabric that will not be damaged easily by gasoline, you can use this solvent.

How can I remove glue residues from my hands or other body parts?

We suggest using oils like olive and flower oil or gasoline.

Do the products of ByTrap contain any toxic or poisonous components?

No, there are no toxic substances in our products. Our products are made out of environmentally friendly ingredients.